AI is used in many industries, including SEO. Here’s a simple example:
If you have a website about beaches, Google’s AI analyzes how users interact with similar websites. If users spend more time on a particular site and engage with it (clicking links, staying longer, etc.), Google sees it as relevant.
The AI then looks at the content and identifies key terms like ‘ocean,’ ‘sand,’ and ‘sun’ that commonly appear on well-performing sites. If other websites use these words in the right way, they can rank higher for ‘beach.’
SEO specialists optimize sites to align with Google’s AI ranking factors, which include content relevance, backlinks, user behavior, and more.
Most ‘AI’ tools in SEO are just a series of ‘if-else’ conditions labeled as AI because it sounds impressive. Only a few tools actually use machine learning models like OpenAI, Stability AI, or Anthropic for real intelligence.