What is the best SEO optimization process for a WordPress website?

I am clueless on this topic and know that there’s a lot of misinformation on the web, so I wanted to hear what other developers use and their optimization process.

My process right now is using wp_title() for the title and adding a meta description tag in the head (same for all pages). I install the SEO Framework plugin and go through all the settings. I also register the website in Google Search Console and submit the XML sitemap. That’s about it.

I try to avoid bloated SEO plugins. However, since my clients’ page content is mostly in ACF fields rather than in the main body, SEO Framework doesn’t always detect the content. This forces me to write custom descriptions for each page manually. Shouldn’t the plugin be able to read the content if it’s loaded?

Does this process sound effective? I’m not talking about content writing but rather about making sure the site gets indexed and ranks well.

What process do you use for optimizing SEO?

SEO optimization for WordPress follows the same principles as any other website—focus on speed, high-quality original content, optimized metadata, and backlinks.

Regarding SEO Framework with ACF, you might find this guide helpful: Using The SEO Framework with Advanced Custom Fields - UNDERDOG of PERFECTION

We’ve been using Minty to embed product displays using structured data. It has helped improve search visibility.

I primarily use either Squirrly SEO or SEOPress. If you’re looking for a complete breakdown of SEO best practices for WordPress, check out this guide: WordPress SEO Made Simple - A Step-by-Step Guide (UPDATED)