Can Someone Check Why My Website Had a Big Downslide in Traffic on Google Search Console?

I am not an SEO expert or anything; I am primarily a web designer, so I did some SEO for my own website. I wasn’t intending to beat the competition or anything, but I wanted to get at least to no. 20 - no. 50 locally.

The website is about 6 months old, and everything went smoothly until the start of July this year. My website does not rank for the keywords I wanted anymore. I can’t even find it in the first 100 search results.

I can’t find any errors on GSC or anywhere, so I can’t identify the issue. I thought it might be a Google search algorithm update or something, but it didn’t fix itself. The website doesn’t have any technical issues or anything like that. All needed pages are indexed, and on GSC everything is green.

So, I was wondering if there is someone experienced who could check why I lost Google impressions so fast (from 600 to 10), and it’s not getting better. I can provide the URL of the website, country, and keywords if needed.

It sounds like your website hit a sudden drop in rankings, which can be frustrating. While you’ve checked the basics, there might be hidden factors affecting your visibility.

Your website took a sudden dive off the search rankings. First, let’s examine your website’s vital signs: URL, country, and those pesky keywords.

Then, we’ll dive into Google Search Console for clues. It might be a sneaky algorithm change, a competitor’s surprise attack, or even a technical hiccup hiding in plain sight.