Does using a country-specific TLD help with SEO?

If I’m running a website outside of the USA (which typically uses .com), does using a country-specific TLD significantly affect my SEO performance in that country, or is it a minor factor?

For example:
New Zealand uses .nz or
United Kingdom uses
Singapore uses .sg or

Would running a .com domain hurt my chances of success locally if everything else, like local ranking signals and content, are the same?

Using a .com shouldn’t hurt. Google says ccTLDs (country-specific domains) associate with the target country, but .com is widespread and doesn’t face any bias. Run a search in your region for your keywords, and check the TLDs on the first 2 pages.

  • If .coms are common, it’s just popular and not ranked lower.
  • If ccTLDs dominate, they might have an advantage.

In short:
If you’re only targeting one country, use the ccTLD. But if you’re thinking of expanding globally, stick with .com.

That’s exactly what I needed, thanks!

Amy said:
That’s exactly what I needed, thanks!

Good luck! Just remember to pick an easy-to-remember domain name, and avoid spammy TLDs like .biz or .xyz.

Google does favor ccTLDs. You can test it by buying a .com and a ccTLD for the same keyword and see which ranks higher. The ccTLD will likely win, but it won’t help if you don’t have strong SEO basics.

Do you know how strong the preference is? I’m wondering if good local SEO signals can offset the difference.

Having a country-specific TLD might not boost your ranking much, but it can improve your click-through rate since people may prefer local domains. Your content’s relevance and how well it meets user intent are more important for ranking.

Using a country-specific TLD sends a clear signal to search engines that you’re targeting that country, which helps SEO. Also consider using local hosting, language settings, and building backlinks from local sites.

Running a regular .com website won’t hurt your chances of success in that country. Additionally, using a country-specific TLD doesn’t significantly impact your SEO. Don’t stress too much about it—choose what works best for you, with .com being a top option.

Using a local TLD, like .nz or, can slightly help with local SEO since it signals relevance to users in that country. A .com domain won’t hurt your chances, but a local TLD might give you a small advantage.

In smaller markets, I’ve noticed that ccTLDs and exact-match domains work really well for SEO. It helps me rank websites at the top in just a month.

If your business is local, a ccTLD works better for ranking in that country. But having a strong backlink profile and high-quality content matters more. Combining a local TLD with strong backlinks and good domain authority will put you ahead.