Google doesn't rely on H1 and H2 tags as much since the latest update

Google doesn’t care much about certain titles on websites now. It seems like if a website isn’t very trusted by Google, it ignores these titles. This can happen when the titles are too focused on getting clicks or using specific keywords. For example, a website called towratings. net was affected by this change. Even though its page shows up in Google, the main title “Best Flat Tow Vehicles In 2024” doesn’t appear in search results. Instead, other parts of the page still show up. This change seems to affect different kinds of websites, like those about recipes or travel. It’s best to write titles for readers, not just for Google. This means avoiding using too many keywords or creating titles just to get clicks. If your website has a good reputation, you won’t face this problem. And in 2024, you don’t need to stuff your titles with keywords. Just focus on what readers want.

People should now focus on social media traffic. Relying on organic traffic and chasing the algorithm will increase your blood pressure.

My dude, where have you been hiding? H1s and H2s are still super important even in the dark ages of 2024. Thinking Google just ignores them entirely is like saying neon signs are out of fashion because everyone has smartphones.

The “” example by @SEOstan might be a weird glitch but trust me strong titles with relevant keywords are still a ranking factor. Don’t get sucked into clickbait SEO tactics but using keywords strategically in your titles is far from dead.

Here Is the real tea:… Google wants to see clear titles that users and search engines can understand. Stuffing keywords is a bad look but using relevant keywords strategically is still smart.

End of my two cents. Thank me later.

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Google considers H1 and H2 tags as header tags and utilizes them as one of the on-page SEO factors when ranking articles. The H1 tag indicates the main topic, but the H2 tags help Google categorize the relevancy. Nevertheless, avoid excessive use of them and don’t overstuff them with keywords. Balance is fundamental.

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Neon signs are kind of out of fashion… but a well-placed, relevant one can definitely grab attention! I hear ya on H1s and H2s.

Maybe not the flashiest SEO tactic these days, but they’re still workhorses for clear content structure.

Thanks for the reminder