How do you assess a keyword difficulty?

When I was looking up keywords, I found one with a score of 25 in Moz, which means it’s easy to rank. But it also has a difficulty of 80.10%. Now I’m confused. Can you tell me which one is more reliable?

When analyzing keyword difficulty, various factors are considered to assess the challenge of ranking for a particular keyword in Google’s organic search results. These factors include the quality of content, domain authority (DA), page authority, and others.

Factors to Consider when Assessing Keyword Difficulty:

To prioritize keywords based on their ranking potential, consider the following criteria:

  1. Search Volume: Assess the actual demand for a keyword to gauge audience interest and potential.

  2. Search Intent: Ensure that the user intent behind the query aligns with your content’s focus.

  3. Cost per Click (CPC): Evaluate the keyword’s commercial potential and return on investment from a business perspective.

  4. SERP Signature: Identify any universal search types or features, such as images or featured snippets, associated with the keyword.

  5. Competitors Ranking: Determine if your typical competitors rank for the keyword and assess your chances of competing effectively.

  6. Content Analysis: Review the content of top-ranking pages to understand the information required for page one visibility and ensure alignment with your content’s intent.