How to get site indexed by google faster


What methods do you use to expedite indexing in Google?

I submit a new sitemap, but even after a week, the pages aren’t getting indexed. I end up manually indexing them in Search Console, which is a slow process and not very efficient.

Any tips on speeding up this process?

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Prioritize linking to other relevant pages on your website within your content. This helps Google understand the structure of your site and discover new pages.

RULE NUMBER UNO …Create high-quality content: Google prioritizes websites with fresh, informative content. Regularly publishing well-written and valuable content will make your site more attractive to search engines and encourage them to crawl and index your pages more frequently.

Submit your XML sitemap through Google Search Console.

This helps Google understand the structure of your site and discover new pages quickly.
robots.txt: Ensure your sitemap is listed in your robots.txt file.

Request Indexing:URL Inspection Tool:

Use the URL Inspection Tool in Google Search Console to request indexing for specific pages.