Please guide on how to use Keyword Sheeter & Google Keyword Planner

I was wondering, how do I use these tools together for maximum output?

Here are a few ways you can make use of these tools for maximum results:

  1. Start with Your Seed Keyword: Begin by entering your main keyword into Keyword Sheeter. It will give you a list of related keywords.
  2. Use Google Keyword Planner: Log in to Google Keyword Planner and input around 250 of these keywords. Choose the United States as your target location.
  3. Analyze Search Volumes: Look at the search volumes and predicted performance of these keywords. Aim for at least 100 monthly searches.
  4. Check Keyword Difficulty: Optionally, use Ahrefs’ Free SEO tools to check keyword difficulty. Focus on keywords with low difficulty ratings, ideally between 0-9.
  5. Create Tailored Content: Once you’ve found promising keywords, create content specifically related to them.
  6. Budget-Friendly Approach: While Ahrefs’ paid version has more features, you can still do effective keyword research using free tools like Keyword Sheeter and Google Keyword Planner.