Understanding the Differences Between JavaScript Understood by Google (SSR or Prerendering) and Client-Side JavaScript

To analyze what Google understands on a page, I usually use Search Console or another Google tool like the Rich Results Test.

For a website accessible with a specific IP (as a pre-production environment), I am considering using the Chrome extension “View Rendered Source,” but I’m not sure if I’m using the tool correctly.

In this tool, does the “rendered” column correspond to what Google sees, or does it reflect the final rendering with JavaScript processed on the client side (and therefore not visible to Google bots)?

Do you have any insights or alternative methods to suggest?


Use Search Console or the Rich Results Test to see what Google detects. The “View rendered source” option displays the client-side version, which may differ from what Google sees.

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Developers generally aren’t fans of VRS because of this. The rendered section comes after the final rendering and represents what Google might see if they decide to process the JavaScript.

Our approach is quite simple: if a page is crucial for ranking, we aim to server-side render (SSR) as much of it as possible. For areas that rely on JavaScript for dynamic content, we still SSR as much as we can if those sections are important for ranking, such as content blocks. However, if certain sections aren’t critical for ranking or rely heavily on JavaScript for dynamic content, we’re comfortable leaving them for client-side rendering (CSR).

In essence, if something is key for ranking or visibility, we don’t take chances and go with SSR. If it isn’t, we stick with CSR.